Captain Marty and Jim went to the Yellowstone
knowing that the wind was going to be up and that there may even be a storm blowing in. They took a chance and did the drive anyway. Jim had never been to the Yellowstone River and was in the process of knocking a bunch of Montana rivers off his list. They said that it was kind of slow but there were a few nice fish caught and that the river was a site to be seen! The storm blew in before they were done fishing, so they had to row out. The flies that
were working were stone flies, caddis nymphs, BWO nymphs and lightning bugs. If you have never been to the “Stone” you might want to go check it out for yourself and see what a great fishery it is! Happy Fishing!!! -DanG
Category: Fishing Reports
Parent Category for Fishing Reports
August 20-26, 2015
Last week was crazy for the sheer number of fish caught, especially the big ol’ fat ones. Rumors of two footers and the one that got away were being thrown around like an articulated mouse on a hot summer’s night. Sheila won over many hearts, and while some continue to doubt her power, all will soon be Sheilebers. If you don’t know who she is, come in and find out.
This week has been a repeat so far. The fish are responding well to many different patterns and the big fish continue to eat well. Dry or die folks have been succeeding with Parachute Adams, Purple Craze, PMD Rusty Spinners, Delektable Halos, Delektable Chubbyness, hoppers, ants and of course the Nahgunatellyas. Droppers help though. Small beadheads, size 16-20 with some flash to them are working well. Consider Lime Serendipities, Lightning Bugs, Copper Johns, Shop Vacs, Delektable Sure Strikes, Pat’s Rubberlegs, Zebra Midges, BWO Wonder Nymphs, CDC Prince Nymphs and wire worms.
By far, without a doubt, largest numbers and average size came with a streamer-dropper rig. Dead drifting under an indicator will produce many fish, but a tight lining with a dead – twitch-drag combination should help you figure out how they like it best. Get out there as early as possible. Less light and cooler temperatures will help your streamer game. If wading the edges early in the morning is your thing, try an olive or black articulated streamer fished tight to the bank. Everyone is saying we are “two weeks” ahead of schedule here on the Madison, which technically means the fall fishing is not far away. Look for big fish moving out of the lakes in the near future.
August 19th, 2015
Today Ted and Linda went out with one of our great Madison River guides, Ian Seacrest. The day was a nice little family float as the dog got to come too:) Ian was all over it with some previously known knowledge from the days before having been floating with clients almost everyday ALL season. That is why you should go with a guide at least once to get you into the swing of each location as you are visiting. It will almost always throw you right in the loop.
Ian had them on the big black size 8 stone and the fish were eating for the nocturnal stone. (or because they just love stone flies) Some other smaller patterns were used and caught fish but the bigger flies simply caught bigger fish. Small caddis and some random PMD and BWO patterns are flying around and will still be working well.
Don’t neglect the Hopper as he is out and about with the flying ant too. Terrestrials are always a thing of the August month whether they are flying around or not…they usually eat them. As always, I hope you all are having a wonderful summer and enjoying every minute of it!!! Happy Fishing All!!! -DanG
August 15-19, 2015
This week has been very exciting as the smoke has rolled in to say hello for a whiiiiile. Wildfires over in the next valley have put smoke down on us here on the Madison and it is gooood:) The smoke may or may not act as if it were an overcast day, but nevertheless it is good when its here.
Bigger fish have been coming up for the dry and the streamer bite is real good now early in the morning. An olive anything has been the ticket with black not too far behind. Here are a few pics of fish that gave in to the all-mighty, all-powerful, all-knowing fly fisherman! Hahaha, but seriously, the fish are about as vulnerable as a little 2 inch brown trout right that wants to be a big ‘ol haaawg right now. Happy Fishing Everyone!!! -DanG
August 17 and 19, 2015
Terry and Friends
These guys really got ‘er done! Great job guys! The streamer bite was on today with these boys and they already knew how to cast…so, that’s always nice, and it usually leads to fish in the boat:) I believe there was a little inner-circle big fish competition going on between these boats, I don’t know who won, but it looks like it was a pretty bent/heavy competition! I think I can guess though:) Great fish guys! The bug that caught ALL the fish was not a bug you would normally think of. It was a… -DanG
August 19, 2015
Once again….the Fully Wild boys.
Well, it seems to me that the fishing is getting better and better as the summer progresses along. These wildfires in the next valley over have put a perma-cloud over us making the trout “think” its overcast all the time. (Dan Greene theory) Whatever the case, it has just been really good and very consistent.
The Fully Wild group has gone out and put the hammer down on the fish! Thanks to our very good guides, these guys really did see alot of fish today. The average cookie cutter fish is climbing
back up there compared to last week and the previous weeks. We have a number a bugs that are working out there on the Madison and are happy to share. The Best ones have been: Nymphs: size 8 and 10 black stone flies; size 16 and 18 Pheasant Tail; size 16 and 18 Prince; size 18 Delektable ‘Lil Spanker colors purple and pheasant tail; size 18 Hogan’s S&M olive;
Dries: size 14 Delektable Twisted Sister olive and gold; size 16 Para Madaam X royal; size 16 Royal Wulff Cripple; size 14 Bloom’s Caddis dark olive and tan; size 16 and 18 Carlon’s Purple Craze; size 12 and 14 Fat Albert yellow and red.
Any of these bugs have been working great at almost all times of the day. The smoke can be thick at times, so be careful if you don’t do well in smoke. Get out there and get on the river while the gitt’n is good and have yourself a wonderful day!!! Happy Fishing!!! -DanG
August 18, 2015
August 18, 2015
Captain Marty took Todd and Richard to the Yellowstone today and it was colllllld!!! They caught some very nice trout, however. The temperature was in the low 40’s when they put the boat in and it only dropped as they went down river. The bug of choice was a Girdle Bug Pat’s Rubber Legs size 6. They were hitting a few other bugs like small caddis and streamers but with no real results with commitment. The weather was an item today as it kept getting colder and colder, but the boys pulled through with some great fish and pics to show. Happy Fishing Everyone!!! -DanG
August 13, 2015
The Girls Gone Wild group has landed and they had a great time again! Thanks to all the guides that took these ladies out! The bugs they used have been staying pretty much the
same as the past week or so. Serendipities, soft hackles, original patterns and some brand new patterns are in the line-up for slaying fish right now. Sawer’s Pheasant Tail (the original) in a size 18 has been working very well lately. Dan’s new Delektable Hammerhead Pheasant Tail in size 18 is also a great one. Well, i have nothing else for you:) Enjoy your days on the river!!
August 10th & 12th, 2015
Mary Rose has had a great couple of days c
atching her fish. Marty and Dan took Mary out and they fished dries and it was good. Purple Haze and Royal Cripples in the bucket got them. Dan’s Delektable Mega Royal Chubbyness in a size 12 was reeeeaaally good too! There have been some olive and tan caddis on the rise lately and a size 14 to 16 will get you there. The fish were eating and Mary has a good stick, so…it was good! Happy Fishing!!! -DanG