It was stormy on Monday evening when my husband Tryston and I went out to fish the
creek on some private land by our home. We managed to catch a gap between rather large thunder storms and caught the water perfectly!
In the short hour and a half that we fished, the fish were eager and eating both on the surface and below the surface. I had a Royal Stimulator as my top fly and a Delektable Mr Rubberlegs Prince as my dropper. The fish ate them both up like crazy!
Tryston had a hopper pattern as a top fly (for indicator purposes) and a Delektable CDC Baby as a dropper behind that. He had a little trouble getting them to bite at first while he was in shallow waters but as soon as he hit the deeper holes, the bite was on! He used his brand new BT Grizzly 4/5 Wt fly rod with a burled wood handle that Dan Delekta made and new Galvan reel on this trip, and boy did he have fun breaking them in! We didn’t even need to change flies once the entire time we were there.
Talk about fun!