Dan Greene and I took a birthday float for me yesterday. We put in at Windy at first light and floated to Storey by dark. It was a nice loooong day filled with cold drinks, great laughs and tight lines! First we threw streamers with nymphs trailing; we picked them up on the small nymphs. We did not
however crush the huge fish we set out to get, but we did get the smaller fish all day. We changed flies all day long getting about one fish per fly. It was never consistent throughout the day on a single fly, but constantly changing up did do the trick. We hooked up on streamers, but never landed any. We got them on hoppers and small dries. We really got them on small nymphs. We got them on just about everything. Boats would come by and ask what fly we were using, so we said…all of them. We did get a lunker whitefish too. All said and done, another great day well spent on the Madison!